Our featured coffee for the month of November is a new offering, Ethiopia Guji. This coffee
features bright notes of tart grapefruit on the front with a more full body and notes of tart berries on
the back. It also features a subtle earthiness with vanilla and vegetal notes. The aroma of Ethiopia Guji
is also amazing, with notes of creamy vanilla and spice. This is one of the most complex and exciting
flavor profiles that I have tasted in a coffee this year. I also think the flavor profile featuring flavors of
tart fruit and creamy vanilla makes it a perfect coffee to pair with the foods we all enjoy around the
Growing Region and Variety
Ethiopia is known as the birthplace of coffee and Ethiopian coffees are considered the best in
the world. Virtually any coffee grown in Ethiopia is going to taste amazing. Guji is a region in southern
Ethiopia with rich red soil and a higher altitude than its surrounding regions. This gives coffee grown in
Guji their complex flavor profile that sets it apart from other Ethiopian coffees. Coffee from Guji is
grown on small family farms and then taken to communal washing stations to be processed. The coffees are typically delivered to the washing stations the day they are harvested which ensures the freshness of the beans. The combination of freshness, rich soil and very high altitude is responsible for Ethiopia Guji’s unique complexity.

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You can also get our specialty coffees here: https://somscafe.com/product/specialty-small-batch-coffee/